Basic Information

Some Basic Statistics On School Education In Tripura

Sr. No. Parameters Status(as per UDISE 2020-21)
1. Type-wise total no. of Schools (including Madrassa)
J.B. 2547
S.B. 1230
High 688
H.S.(+2 stage) 469
Total 4934
2. Management-wise no. of schools (including Madrassa)
Management JB SB High HS
School Edu. Dept. 724 902 598 381
Private aided 8 2 4 29
TTAADC 1418 211 0 1
Tribal Welfare Dept. 3 1 1 4
Social Welfare Dept. 0 0 0 2
Youth Affairs & Sports Dept. 0 1 0 1
Central Govt. 0 2 2 13
Private un-aided 148 98 80 34
GIA Madrassa 40 4 3 4
SPQEM Madrassa 126 2 0 0
Un recognized 80 7 0 0
Total 2547 1230 688 469
3. Stage-wise Enrolment in Schools (including Madrassa) (as per UDISE 2020-21)
Pre-Primary 28474
Primary 318457
Upper Primary 184264
Secondary 107950
Higher Secondary 66858
Total 706003
4. Management-wise Enrolment in schools (including Madrassa) (as per UDISE 2020-21)
School Edu. Dept. 469137
Private aided 26871
TTAADC 55187
Tribal Welfare Dept. 2863
Social Welfare Dept. 104
Youth Affairs & Sports Dept. 326
Central Govt. 9107
Private un-aided 126502
GIA Madrassa 3656
SPQEM Madrassa 4283
Un recognized 7967
Total 706003
5. Stage-wise Teachers in Schools (including Madrassa) (as per UDISE 2020-21)
Primary 16842
Upper primary 7278
Secondary 6960
Higher Secondary 5454
Total 36534
6. Management-wise no. of Teachers in Schools (including Madrassa) (as per UDISE 2020-21)
School Edu. Dept. 22634
Private aided 1144
Tribal Welfare Dept. 114
Social Welfare Dept. 18
Youth Affairs & Sports Dept. 11
Central Govt. 331
Private un-aided 6061
GIA Madrassa 182
SPQEM Madrassa 311
Un recognized 676
Total 36534
7. Stream wise no. of H.S (+2 Stage) School
Science 252
Commerce 120
Humanities 469
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